Friday, September 25, 2015

Krakal Beach

Krakal Beach
Krakal beach is one of the many beach tourism objects in Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta that has hidden natural beauty. Krakal beach also included in one beach that has some hidden challenging surfing spots. Krakal beach has long been renowned as one of the coastal areas in the south end of Yogyakarta and have a beauty so extraordinary. Krakal beach sloping lines and studded with white sand and pounding waves have clear. Rock also participated adorn most of the shoreline, is home to many reef fish are colorful.

On the beach there are damselfish fish are yellow with a blue accent on the back, butterfly fish or butterfly with striped dark blue and light blue, and there are a bunch of small fish that are bright blue swimming among the rocks. The legs are black starfish sticking out from behind a rock into their hiding place.

Besides having the natural beauty of the exotic and beautiful, Krakal beach also hides waves suitable for surfing you who want to play. For those of you who want to surf the Krakal beach should go first toward a row
of rocks that are in the offshore and then meet with type reef break waves and quite challenging. Seabed dominated reef so for those of you who want to surf to be extra careful. Dry season around March and September is the best time best to wait a barrel in Krakal beach.

Location or address Krakal beach in village of Ngestiharjo, District Tanjungsari, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

To go to the beach location, from any direction to navigate your vehicle intersection east ringroad Wonosari Jogja, unless you are coming from the direction of Solo, then you can immediately cut with a turn to the south at the junction located just south of Prambanan. Please drive to the city Wonosari then within about 32 km.

After reaching the city Wonosari, exactly after passing through the square Wonosari, turn right through the village towards the beach Krakal Kemandang (there is a sign instructions to turn right). Road condition is pretty good, it's just that this path has many twists and past the limestone hills of Gunung Kidul. The route length of Wonosari until Krakal beach is about 23 km. Before entering the beach area, there is a counter inside the Gunung coastal areas. After passing these counters, you will meet with the T-junction, to reach the beach Krakal berbeloklah to the left, while to the right is the road to the beach Baron.

Although the location is about 2 hours travel time by car if of Yogyakarta, the access road to get to Krakal beach is pretty good and fairly flat. There is also a row of food stalls as well as some of the hotels around the coast you can find easily enough, so it will be much more easy for you to stay while waiting for the best waves for surfing. However, surfing is not a sport that is quite popular in among the locals. You must bring your own surfboard because here there is not yet a surfboard rental.

Admission coastal area in Gunung is usually started guarded from 08:00 am. No special ticket for entrance to the beach Krakal because once past the main entrance booth, then you can freely go to the beach traveled anywhere you like including Krakal beach. The price of admission to the coastal tourist area in the district of Gunung this amounted Rp.4.000, - / person (a normal day) and 5,000, - (holidays).

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